Pampering at its purest…

from the products we use to the space surrounding you

More than a nail salon, Dear Alice is a loving homage to our mom, who passed away in 2013. In life and in her battle against illness, she taught us the importance of total wellness – from the food we eat, to our daily routines, to the way we connect with other people.

We here at Dear Alice are committed to contributing to your well-being, by offering you high-quality services in a relaxing environment.

Non-toxic nail polish.

Sadly, there is no such thing (yet) as organic nail polish as synthetic ingredients are necessary to create a polish that actually works. There are however, some brands that have created non-toxic formulas that are free of harmful chemicals – making them safe even for pregnant women and children. We are happy to say that we only use these brands of nail polish at Dear Alice.

We here at Dear Alice are committed to contributing to your well-being, by offering you high-quality services in a relaxing environment.

Chemical-free artisanal products that benefit you and your skin.

The products that we use like the soak, scrub, mask, cream and oil are specially formulated – without harmful chemicals and are paraben-free. Most are infused with moringa. Moringa contains antioxidants and vitamins such as B-vitamins, Vitamin A & C, Iron, Magnesium, and Zinc. Try our refreshing organic tea that’s a special blend of dalandan (local lemon) and ground basil.

Clean, hygienic and safe environment.

As you come into Dear Alice, you will be greeted by plants around you that have been specifically curated for their beneficial qualities. These plants help in filtering out bad elements in the air by absorbing possible toxins and odors, ultimately improving air quality inside the salon.You can be assured that we constantly clean and disinfect all surroundings. We also sterilize all the tools and implements that come in contact with your skin before each use.

Dear Alice supports local enterprises.

Whenever possible, we partner with local providers and entrepreneurs in sourcing the products we use to deliver quality service at Dear Alice – from the creams and oils that we use, to the furniture that you see around you.

The Golden Rule rules.

We strongly believe in treating others the way you want others to treat you. This is why we treat our expert nail technicians, as partners. We invest in their professional and personal training, value their contribution and make sure that they receive fair compensation.


Dear Alice is committed to contributing to your well-being, by offering you high-quality services in a relaxing environment.


Tel: (+63 2) 8 839 2967